PRESENT: Antkoviak, Ginop, Dotski, Tracey ABSENT: Haig
OTHERS PRESENT: Don Rader, Wil Mandrick, Richard Buehler, Walter Nows, Ed Ginop, Keith Ginop, Scott Wendt, Rick Sarchenko, Jackie & Quinter Burnett, Robert Lewis, Mike Robinson.
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Antkoviak at 7:30 p.m. at the fire sub station.
Pledge to the flag was recited.
Motion by Tracey, supported by Dotski to accept the Minutes of February 11, 2003 meeting.
A Motion was made by Tracey to pay the bills, supported by Antkoviak. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE: The Cheboygan County Road Commission has chosen Beckman for spreading brine this year with a bid of $.129 per gal.
Supervisor Antkoviak said most of Munro Roads, especially around the lakes would be spread continuously with brine because the areas are densely populated. The county sent each township a road maintenance sheet, according to the road commission, they spent over $5,000.00 in snow plowing in January for Munro Township.
Jackie Burnett reported that the road signs were knocked down at Bonnett & Levering, and Weadock and Brandau Road. The snow plows most likely knocked them down, will check to see if they are buried under the snow.
Charter Communications are not going to change their rates in Munro Township for their cable service.
NEW BUSINESS: Budget hearing for 2003-04 Settlement Day Meeting March 17th at 7:00 p.m. at the fire sub station.
The Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, April 8, 2002 at the Fire hall at 7:00 p.m.
Board of Review has 21 people come before the board. Only one mistake was made.
Mr. Wil Mandrick reported he attended a Upper Black Water Shed meeting. The group said they are looking at run off problems that enter the lakes and streams. Munro Township has 41 problem spots.
OLD BUSINESS: The lease between Munro Township and the Joint Administrative Fire Board of the Inverness Fire Department was discussed. The Munro residents attending the meeting suggested a 5 year lease with the option to renew after that. A one dollar a year lease was agreed upon, Munro would pay the insurance on the building, the fire department would pay for utilities, maintenance, and provide fire fighting equipment. It was also suggested that Munro Township can use the fire substation hall for meetings but the hall can not be rented out. Township attorney, Tim MacArthur shall draw up the lease agreement and the four township boards along with the fire board are invited to the fire sub station to sign the lease agreement.
Tracey made the motion to adjourn the meeting, supported by Dotski. The meeting was adjourn at 8:20 p.m.
Linda N. Ginop
Munro Township Clerk