PRESENT: Antkoviak, Ginop, Dotski, Tracey & Haig
OTHERS PRESENT: Ed Ginop, Jackie & Quinter Burnett, Richard Buehler, Wil Mandrick, Don Rader
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Antkoviak at 7:35 p.m. at the township hall.
Pledge to the flag was said.
A motion by Tracey, supported by Haig to accept the minutes of June 10, 2003. Motion carried.
Ginop explained that the fire department could receive grant money for fire equipment through the Community First program of PIE & G.
Antkoviak checked the garbage at the Douglas Lake Park, PAC hasn’t picked up the trash. There was no trash lying around.
Ginop reported that the $832.00 the township received from the METRO act has to be spent on road right of ways. Money has to be set aside for projects, such as brine, road signs and gravel.
A bill for $390.90 from the Cheb. County Road Commission is for Romanik’s Ranch signs. Ginop invoiced Walt Romanik for the signs.
1890 gals of brine was spread on Weadock Road for Romanik’s Ranch. When the brine bill comes in, Ginop will bill Romanik’s Ranch for the brine.
Cheboygan River/Lower Black River Watershed Newsletter.
The county graded the roads after they spread the brine for dust control.
Antkoviak should be receiving his assessor’s software. Price came in within the budget.
Tracey made a motion to pay the bills amounting to $2,936.09, Dotski second the motion. Motion carried.
Haig suggested a battery for the township hall clock.
Antkoviak attended the firemen’s meeting held last Thursday, July 3rd. A foam truck would be a good choice for a fire truck for out here in Munro. The firemen would like to have another demonstration with a foam truck before they decide to purchase a new truck.
Linda N. Ginop
Munro Township Clerk