April 13, 2004

PRESENT: Ginop, Dotski, Tracey, Haig ABSENT: Antkoviak
OTHERS PRESENT: Richard Buehler, Jackie & Quinter Burnett, and Wil Mandrick

Pledge to the flag was recited

The Annual Meeting Minutes of April 8, 2003 were accepted by Haig, supported by Tracey.

The Financial Statements for the General, Liquor, Road and Cemetery Funds were presented. The proposed Budgets for each fund were also presented. Haig made the motion to accept the budgets of all funds, Dotski supported the motion. Motion carried.

Haig made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Dotski supported the motion.


Haig made the motion to accept the minutes of March 9, 2004, supported by Dotski.

Mr. Steve Witte of Coldwell Banker Schmidt on behalf of Mr. Ronald Wilson is requesting a land division split on parcel 080-029-100-003-00 Sec. 29 T 37 R3 located on Pells Island, Pellston, MI. Parent parcel will be split into two lots.

Haig made the motion to accept the land split. Tracey supported the motion.
Roll Call vote: Tracy – yes, Ginop – yes, Dotski – yes, Haig – Yes
Motion carried.

A motion was made by Haig to pay the monthly bills amounting to $2,946.26, supported by Dotski.

· Furnace for hall will be installed shortly by Harry & Jerry’s Heating.
· Anyone interested in running for any township or county office needs to get a nominating petition.
· Bids for cutting grass for the hall and cemetery for this year.

Haig made the motion to adjourn the meeting, supported by Dotski. The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m.

Linda N. Ginop
Munro Township Clerk