November 8, 2005
Munro Fire Hall, 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Antkoviak, Ginop, Dotski, Tracey, Mandrick
OTHERS PRESENT: Patricia and Keith Sipperley, Jackie and Quinter Burnett, Ronald Wheelock, Ed Ginop
Supervisor Antkoviak called the regular township meeting to order.
Pledge to the flag was recited.
Tracey made the motion to accept the October 11, 2005 meeting minutes, supported by Mandrick.
BILLS: Tracey made the motion to approve the monthly bills amounting to $5,226.81, supported by Mandrick. Motion carried.
- Charles Veneros, Michigan Townships Association representative mailed to each township a survey on how to improve the MTA district Annual Conference attendance.
- Attorney, Daniel Loznak sent copies of an easement drawn up for Douglas Drew, James Gheldof, and a deed between Chastain and Chastain. The Chastain’s are deeding ownership in the easement to Dan Loznak. Mr. Loznak asked if the wording in the deed is correct regarding “non-development of the lot” if it is consistent with the township’s thinking when the land division split was approve. The Board agreed it was correct.
- The Cheboygan County Road Commission posted 25 mph speed limit signs on East and West Munro Lake Drive.
- Vicki Malenfant requested a land division split on her farm located on Heilman Road. The Board wants a legal survey of the land split before they will make a decision.
- Dry Hydrant Ordinance. Inverness and Hebron Townships already passed their dry hydrant ordinances. Fire Chief, Daniel Socha asked that the townships pass the ordinance so the fire department may receive a lower ISO rating from the State of Michigan. Ginop made the motion to approve the Dry Hydrant Ordinance, supported by Tracey. Roll call vote:
- Antkoviak, Yes
- Dotski, Yes
- Tracey, Yes
- Mandrick, Yes
- Ginop, Yes
- Motion carried.
- Cemetery lots were sold to Mr. & Mrs. Walter Naumer of Douglas Lake.
- Antkoviak reported that the Cheboygan County Road Commission did not look at the Silver Strand Road project. They said they were busy with too many other projects this year.
- Mr. Keith Sipperley suggested planting some trees in the new section of the cemetery. Ginop suggested keeping this in mind when the township board works on the new financial budget for 2006.
Tracey made the motion to adjourn the meeting, supported by Mandrick. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Linda N. Ginop
Munro Township Clerk