PRESENT: Antkoviak, Ginop, Dotski, Tracey, Mandrick
OTHERS PRESENT: Patricia Sipperley, Keith Sipperley, Michael Robinson, Dale Dotski, George Bliss, Walter Nows, Ed Ginop.
The December meeting was called to order by Supervisor Antkoviak at 7:30 p.m.
The pledge to the flag was recited.
Tracey made the motion to accept the November 8, 2005 meeting minutes, supported by Mandrick. Motion carried.
Mr. Keith Sipperley observed several errors pertaining to Mr. Daniel Loznak’s Quit Claim Deed which is in violation of the Munro Township Ordinance No. 98-01, Section VII C. which by reference also violates the Cheboygan County Zoning Ordinance No. 200, article 3, section 3.2, both requires all parcels have an easement of a minimum of 30 feet. Mr. Sipperley also found out that the Quit Claim Deed contains the surveyor’s legal dimensions for a 20 foot easement but illegally changes the wording, twice to call it a “30 foot easement, which it is not.
Ginop said it is not the responsibility of the Township Board to review legal land descriptions on deeds. It is the buyer of the property to make sure the legal descriptions are correct. In this case, Ginop asked Tim MacArthur, Munro Township’s attorney to review the errors. Mr. MacArthur has written a letter, upon approval of the Township Board, addressing the problems stated by Mr. Sipperley. Tracey made the motion to have Tim MacArthur send the letter to Mr. Loznak, supported by Mandrick. Motion carried.
Tracey made the motion to pay the bills for November amounting to $3,682.02, supported by Dotski. Motion carried.
Antkoviak reported that his house fire has ruined his computer and printer. The Township’s Insurance Agent said to go ahead and order another computer and printer and turn in a bill.
Ginop said her Son, Matthew, can order another Dell, and possibly get a good deal online.
It was agreed to have Matt Ginop order the Supervisor another computer-printer.
Mr. Sipperley suggested last month that the Township purchase some trees for the new section of the Munro Township Cemetery. A drawing was presented showing a number of different ways the trees could be planted in the cemetery. The trees would have to be budgeted in the upcoming fiscal year.
Mr. Keith Sipperley suggested that in the future, any land division requests should not be decided until the Board has looked over all aspects of the request and make sure everything is in order. Mr. Sipperley suggests that the Board have 30 to 45 days to review each land division request. Ginop said after the problems with the last few applications, she is sending the Board copies of the applications before the next meeting. She is telling the applicants that it might be 30 days after the Board receives the application before a decision could be made.
Dotski made the motion to adjourn the meeting, supported by Antkoviak. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Linda N. Ginop
Munro Township Clerk