December 12, 2006
Munro Fire Hall, 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Antkoviak, Ginop, Dotski, Tracey and Mandrick.
OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Nows, Walter Nows and Frank Spezia.
Supervisor Antkoviak called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Pledge to the flag was recited.
MINUTES - Mandrick made the motion to accept the November 14, 2006 meeting minutes, supported by Tracey. Motion carried.
BILLS - Mandrick made the motion to pay the November Bills amounting to $3,751.04, supported by Dotski. Motion carried.
- DEQ wetland assessment report for David Todd of Douglas Lake
- Cheboygan County Humane Society - Audited Financial Statement for 12/31/05
- Michigan Townships Assn. legal defense fund for Enbridge Pipeline lawsuit
- Vicki Crawford's request for a revised land division, she did not appear at the meeting so the request was tabled till a later date.
- Robert Lake, Foreman of the Cheboygan County Road Commission asked that proposed road projects be considered. On Dotski Road, put in a culvert and raise the road through the swamp. On Bonnett Road past Sangster’s, put in 1190 yards of gravel. Money will be from matching and unmatched funds from the Cheboygan County Road Commission and Munro Township.
- Discussion about improving Silver Strand Road and Munro Lake Drive. Ginop reported that there is about $9,200.00 from the Metro Fund that must be used in road projects, it was suggested that the township purchase more gravel.
- Ginop also suggested that Paul and Walter Nows meet with Robert Lake and show the Robert Lake what places on Silver Strand really need work.
The gravel roads are in bad shape, the gravel is on the side of the road instead of on the road. The County needs to dig the gravel out of the ditches and back onto the road.
Tracey made the motion to adjourn the meeting, supported by Dotski. The Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Linda N. Ginop
Munro Township Clerk