Ginop, Dotski, Tracey, Mandrick ABSENT: Antkoviak
Walter Nows, Paul Nows, Keith & Patricia Sipperley, Edward Ginop
The meeting was called to order by Trustee Donald Tracey at 7:30 p.m. at the Fire Station No. 2 located at 8872 Levering Road. The pledge to the flag was recited.
A motion was made by Mandrick, supported by Tracey to approve the March 13, 2007 meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mandrick, supported by Ginop to approve payment of the bills amounting to $11,182.48. Motion carried.
A letter was received by Jerry & Lisa Atherholt about Munro Lake Drive needing proper grading, gravel and dust control.
A letter was received by Jerry & Lisa Atherholt about the school bus speeding around Munro Lake Drive. The Atherholt’s have already contacted The Cheboygan Area School Board of Education and the Cheboygan County Sheriff’s Department about the speeding bus driver. The Township has no authority to police the matter.
A letter was received from Charlie’s Lawn Service to cut the cemetery and township hall grass for 2007. Mr. Jeff Wenzel declined cutting the grass this year due to other work. Mandrick made the motion to hire Charlie Buehler at $2400.00 but he must start cutting and trimming the grass just before Memorial Day weekend. Tracey supported the motion. Motion carried.
Keith & Pat Sipperley said they can no longer water the trees planted last year in the cemetery. Tracey said the trees should have a good root base now so they do not need as much water as when they were first planted.
The Financial Statements and Budgets were presented for the General Fund, Road Fund, Liquor Fund and Cemetery Fund.
Mandrick made the motion to adjourn, supported by Tracey. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Linda N. Ginop
Munro Township Clerk