Munro Township Board Meeting
December 9, 2008
Munro Fire Station, 7:30 p.m
PRESENT: Antkoviak, Ginop, Dotski, Tracey and Mandrick
CITIZENS & GUESTS: Walt & Paul Nows, Robert Lewis, George Bliss, Matthew Bonnett & Marie Watts.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Antkoviak at 7:30 p.m. Pledge to the flag was recited.
Mandrick made a motion to accept the November 11, 2008 meeting minutes as presented. Tracey supported the motion. Motion carried.
Ginop made the motion to pay the November bills amounting to $4,288.85, supported by Tracey.
- Municipal Underwriters was requesting e-mail addresses for all the board members. The board declined to give out their e-mail addresses.
- Michael Overton sent a revised recycling agreement between the townships and county.
- Attorney, Tim MacArthur sent a check for the Beaugrand-Inverness buy out for the old fire hall.
- Attorney Tim MacArthur had a Indemnification & Hold Harmless agreement for the township to sign.
- NEMCOG – Winter-Spring Registration workshop
- A new swimming pool committee meeting will be held at the Cheboygan Health Care Center December 16, 2008, 5-7 p.m.
- The trees in the cemetery will be cut down in the spring.
- Charles Antkoviak reported that the trout stream crossing Crump Road might receive a $15,000.00 grant to put in a new culvert. The township would be expected to pay $3,750.00 toward the costs. Antkoviak will report back with more information.
- The Clerk sworn in the board members, each signing the Oath of Office. Trustee Mandrick had to have his oath rewritten as it was typed wrong.
Ginop made the motion to adjourn the meeting, supported by Tracey. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Linda N. Ginop
Munro Township Clerk